
Monday, June 6, 2011

Creative Exchange

Creative Exchange Posting

Hello Everyone! I hope that your Monday is going well so far and that a fabulous week is in store. But if you are not too sure about that, then head on over to Kim Klassen's blog and see 10 steps to be a happier person. It was an encouraging post for me today.

Have you ever done a ton of work on something and have it disappear? Well I have ...more than once. You would think I would learn my lesson. ha! 

A little lavender bokeh..

Before and after edit.

Thanks for looking!

Blessings to you!

Charlotte ♥


  1. I love your before and after shot. That always makes the photos so interesting. They are both so pretty, and the other two area lovely, too. I thought Kim’s post was wonderful. She is such a special gal, and we are all so lucky to have had her for our teacher and mentor. I am still struggling, but I’m hoping it will all click before too much longer. I do what I do, but can never replicate it. It is touch and go with me. Your 4 shots this week are so nice. Hope you enjoy a week as nice as they are. Genie

  2. Oh, I love the 'Shy One'! I love Kim Klassen and her textures! she has a wonderful blog and I agree about that last post of hers. Thank you for stopping by my blog!

  3. What wonderful photographs Charlotte! I especially love the lavender, and your before and after edit is fantastic.

    I read Kim's post earlier today and thought it was great.

    Thank you so much for sharing this today at The Creative Exchange.

    Have a wonderful evening!


  4. Visiting you from Lisa's Creative Exchange -- I too read Kim's post and certain things did click with me.

    Thanks for posting the before and after shots -- it always amazes me what can be done with an already beautiful photo. :)

  5. Charlotte, love your shy flower. So sweet and so aptly named. I also love the After photo of your before and after edit. Wow, what a difference! Hope you have a great week!

  6. Charlotte - the Shy One is precious! One of my favorite colors is Yellow..And yes, I read Kim's post and I gained even more insight about myself. Sometimes we all need those little reminders! I love visiting here and seeing all your lovely photos ~ Happy Day my friend!

  7. Lovely florals! Love them all and the way they are presented in frames. I read Kim's post. I try to remember that happiness is a choice! Have a great week Charlotte!

  8. The "shy One" is waht caught my eyes. Love it.

  9. Wonderful creations! =)

  10. Beautiful texture and text here... :)

  11. These are lovely photos! Although I really love lavender, the yellow "shy one" is my favorite here!

  12. I love your first picture, your processing with texture is so wonderful.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment.I cherish them...they make my day! ♥♥♥