
Friday, August 5, 2011

French Kiss Texture Challenge

Hi Everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful week and staying cool in this hot weather!
Have you seen Leslie Nicole's blog and her wonderful textures. There are some gorgeous freebies and also some to purchase.

Purple Prose, Hard Light @ 100% and Catnip, Multiply @27%

These photos were processed with Purple Prose.

I also added a vignette from Rita's CoffeeShop Actions and Rita's frame also.

Can't wait to see what others do with this texture.

French Kiss Textures


  1. These are all lovely Charlotte. Really love the first one!

  2. I agree with @hootnonny, the first one is amazing. but I also like the other two. I love the frame you add, it enriches so much the texture. congrats :) and good luck to you too ;)

  3. Love them all but especially the first one. I clicked on it to see it larger, really very nice!

  4. WOW, I love your new header photo.
    LOVE textures but am perplexed on how to use them. In layers it gives me so many options like Hard Light, Soft Light, Multiply, Overlay and I dont know when or at what persentage?

    BUT you sure have mastered it, Your photo look amazing and book cover perfect.

  5. These are beautiful! Thanks for the tip about her site!

  6. Beautiful!! I love what you did with these gorgeous textures. And you have a new header! So happy and summery. Love that!

  7. I LOVE these pictures! I love the textures and the serene feel. Just lovely!


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