
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Just a note

Note the heart shape

Hi Sweet Friend! I hope you are faring well in this heat. It won't be long before we will all be complaining about the cold. Ha!

Just wanted to post something real quick to say hello. The Japanese Eggplant is from the Dekalb Farmers' Market that my friend Tammy from Simple Southern Happiness 
took me too. Although I don't eat any eggplant because I don't like the seeds, I thought these were cute little beauties and took them home. After photographing them, I gave them to my next door neighbor to cook.

Taken at Tammy's House

After shopping we went back to Tammy's, unloaded groceries and then set up for some macro lessons. From Tammy, that is. She is so knowledgeable about macro. She was kind enough to show me her setup with lights and what settings she uses on her camera.

Here is another macro that I did at my house:

All of the frames that I used are courtesy of Another Rich Collectible

That's all folks!
Stay cool, my friend! And may the peace, joy and happiness of the Lord, Jesus, be with you today and always!


  1. It appears that you are a very good student! You must be better satisfied w/your macro lens, as you did it proud!

  2. Never did I think I would want to eat an eggplant, but your picture made me want that little bugger in the worst way. You know when a photo is superb, when it touches the senses. OUTSTANDING on the macro shots, the magnolia bud!! and I could taste the raspberries and their sweetness.

    I hope your neighbor will hang onto those eggplants, they are too cute to eat, especially the heart shape one.

  3. I love the DeKalb Farmer's Market - it has everything you can think of!!!

    Looks like you two had a great time!


  4. I heart your eggplant photo! How cool is that? Great shot of the magnolia and the blackberries as well. You and Tammy have been busy! It's so nice of her to share her macro knowledge with you. Maybe this will make you want to post more and get out with your camera more.

    I love that tag line at the end of your posts. You always remember to include Him. God bless!

  5. Came back for a second look! Hope you'll pay it forward (let's have a lesson when next I see you!)

  6. wonderful macros! love those blackberries!

  7. LOVE visiting Farmers' markests - even Harry's!! Your eggplants are a nice size!! Try them- you'll like them :-}} Lovely place under the blackberries!! Nice shots!

  8. Great photos -- you must have learned your lessons well! Oh my, the blackberries are "perfection!"


  9. Your pictures are beautiful! I am not much of an eggplant eater either, but the blackberries look wonderful!
    My brother lives in Decatur and have been with him many times to the farmers market. Nothing like it anywhere else!
    I enjoy reading your blog!

  10. Love those blackberries, beautifully photographed!


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