
Thursday, April 11, 2013

courtesy of The Graphics Fairy

Hello Sweets! Maybe you remember that i love all things "Owl". Well, in reading Andrew McCarthy's book (you may have remembered the actor who was dubbed as part of the "Brat Pack" in the '80's) The Longest Way Home I came across this cute little children's nursery rhyme. It was "perched high above the bar, a replica of an owl" (with these words below).

'A wise old owl sat on an oak,
The more he saw, the less he spoke.
The less he spoke the more he heard,
Why aren't we like that wise old bird?'  

Does that speak to you, like it did me?



  1. Love this! I love owls too- (I have one on my blog logo)
    Love wisdom of the saying as well- :)

  2. Gosh, I think that poem must have been around for a long time; my mom had that memorized from her childhood and quoted it to me when I was a kid!
    There is a good lesson there I guess. You wouldn't know it from my post! :D
    Thanks for your sweet and encouraging comment. I keep expecting someone to leave a mean message. I'm off to visit the little granddaughter Ivy for her 1st birthday. Have a great weekend!

  3. Charlotte, I'm so happy you love owls as much as I do. This looks like Barbara our barred owl. Love the quote, and yes, it spoke to me. I find the older I get, the quieter I have become. Maybe I will at least appear wise. :)

  4. This has always been a favorite and reminds me of Exodus 14:14 - "I, the Lord will fight for you, you only need to be still."
    The more I heed God's advice, the "wiser" I become.

  5. Yes it does...I need to listen More!!
    Happy Weekend sweet friend!

  6. Love your new spring flowers design!! My daughter collects everything owl. At one time you couldn't find anything with owls- now they're everywhere!! Have a great weekend Charlotte!

  7. Love it, Charlotte!

    I love your new blog design too. So cheerful and spring-like.

    Happy day to you!

  8. I love owls, too, and the poem is great!! Thank you for sharing.

  9. I've heard that verse before and like it very much.

    Thank you for commenting on yesterday's post.
    Yes, the quilt is mine, one I've been working on for two years and completed last Sunday. I've added details of the photos to the end of this post now. Sometimes few words is not the best option....

  10. Yes, that rhyme speaks to me too. Hope your week is off to a good start!

  11. I was driving to work the other night at 15 till 11 and saw a beautiful on setting on the fence post, what a sight. Thanks for stopping by and looking at my new goblets. Richard and Sissy

  12. Thank you for visiting my blog. I love owls too and spent an hour at our local airport trying to photograph a snowy owl that has been hunting there. Let's just say a white owl in a snowstorm is hard to spot!


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