
Monday, March 10, 2014

Surprise of Spring

Hi Honey bun! How is your week going so far? 

I don't know about where you are, but here, there are suddenly signs of spring everywhere. And it always catches me by surprise. One day you are just freezing and see no end to winter and then....there are those little green leaves making their way up through the snow. Daffodils are now nodding their pretty heads in the breeze and buds are out on the trees and blossoms too.

The weather inspires me to go outside and clean my pots for new annuals and perennials. I love to peruse the plant catalogs that fill my mail box at this time of year. So many beautiful  choices to make.

Spring holds promise. 

If you want a tutorial on how to have the effect above go here.

Peace and love of Jesus be with you today and always!


  1. Over the weekend we spent time outside and my hubby was pointing out all the new growth and signs of spring to me. So exciting! I'm ready!

  2. I had daffodils at my old house and miss them so much! I'm going to have to plant more here. Happy Spring to you!

  3. I keep hearing about something called Spring, but we won't be seeing that this week in central Illinois. Bad politics AND bad weather! Just when the sun shines and almost all the snow is gone they threaten us with 3-5 inches tonight and a winter storm watch. I enjoyed a nice walk in 60 degree temps yesterday. That will have to do for awhile I guess. Toodles!

  4. I'm planning on planting seeds this weekend and keep them in my kitchen window!! I'm way too ready for spring!! Enough is enough!! Loving the daffodils!!

  5. Great job on the spring graphic! You must have gotten inspired from the link on my photo challenge blog - terrific! Cool technique, huh? We have daffies blooming here and it's wonderful to see the color!

  6. That graphic is so fun!! I love this time of year too, but the weeds in our yard have suddenly gotten out of control in just a matter of days. Still, it's green and I am enjoying the warmer temps. Glad you are too!

  7. These posts and the comments above make me wish we lived farther south. I did hear sandhill cranes overhead, but we are still weeks away from nice weather. We are in the unattractive stage...what little grass shows through the snow is brown, and the snow piles are high and dirty. Still, the extra light at the end of the day brings joy...spring will come eventually!

  8. rain tomorrow followed by snow, inches, so forgive me if I'm not overly enthusiastic -grin-.

  9. Spring has sprung here a couple of's nice today to tomorrow will be another story!

    Love what you did with the blooming trees!

  10. Spring visited for a couple of days and Pat got out the hammock while I did some light yard work...what's wrong with that statement? But now it's windy and chilly again so no hammock rides for awhile, also no yard work :-)

  11. I see we have many blog friends and Christian sisters in common. We recently ordered and planted two rainbow knockout roses in our yard from Wayside Gardens. I can't wait for some color!

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