Hello Sugarplum! Today is the first day of lent; Ash Wednesday. It marks the start of Lent, a 40-day liturgical period of prayer and fasting or abstinence. It is a time to turn from our sins and repent. It is also a reminder of our mortality; ashes to ashes, dust to dust. I just got back from getting ashes on my forehead. The priest or deacon administers them with the words: "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust."
Some people will give up something that they enjoy for these 40 days. I gave up candy and sweets when I was a little girl. Since I don't really care for candy, cakes and so forth, that wouldn't be much of a sacrifice. I will fast from something that I really love. Not telling as that wouldn't make it as special.
What do you do for lent? Do you observe it? Just curious.
My good friend and Bible study teacher sent me this, this morning:
Season for Fasting, Season for Feasting
1. FAST from judging others; FEAST on Christ living in them.
2. FAST from harsh words; FEAST on words that build up others.
3. FAST from discontent; FEAST on gratitude.
4. FAST from anger; FEAST on patience.
5. FAST from pessimism; FEAST on optimism.
6. FAST from worry; FEAST on God's care.
7. FAST from complaining; FEAST on appreciation.
8. FAST from bitterness; FEAST on forgiveness.
9. FAST from self-concern; FEAST on compassion for others.
10. FAST from discouragement; FEAST on hope.
11. FAST from facts that depress; FEAST on facts that uplift.
12. FAST from suspicion; FEAST on truth.
13. FAST from thoughts that weaken; FEAST on promises that inspire.
14. FAST from idle gossip; FEAST on silence with a purpose.
(author unknown)
A tall order, I know. But we can only try. :o)
Peace and love of Jesus be in your heart today and always!
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