Saturday, March 16, 2013

Spring the season of hope

My Japanese Magnolia

Hello Ducky! Are you off to a good start on your weekend? I am busy making food for my three dogs before we head off to the beach.

I am thinking of changing my blog format to accommodate larger photos but don't want to spend money on it right now. Any ideas?

Peace, love and hugs!


Chatty Crone said...

I love your Japanese Magnolias! sandie

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

As you can see, I have not been on to make any post or comments. I am so behind...
I do love your photo and GOD's handiwork, you do capture it so well. I know those puppies of yours love the dog food!!

As for the picture size format for your bog. I cant offer any suggestions...sorry!

I pray you have a safe trip to the beach and think of us that are slaving way....

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Have a blast at the beach.
Love your blog. Go ahead and change it if you want just keep it.

hootnonny said...

Nothing says spring like a Japanese Magnolia! Have a fun and safe getaway!

I chaperoned Lydia once again today for a photo shoot w/John Payne. Can't wait till he gets them on FB.

Can you change the margins on the different sections? Make the left smaller so the the blog will be bigger. Maybe that would work.

Rosemary Aubut said...

Great shot! My photos are pretty large and so far free. Maybe look at the different templates and fool around with the slide bar that make your work area larger!

Donna said...

Have Fun at the beach!
You don't need to spend money to enlarge photos on your blog...You can manipulate all that withing Blogger.
I use 3 column template...snd use the width sliders in Advanced settings...easy.

Gail Dixon said...

Japanese magnolias are one of my favorite trees! They also call them Saucer Magnolias here. We have them to the entrance of our neighborhood, but ours are already done blooming. These are so lovely.

I like the larger photo format and if you have quality photos (which you do), you should show them off! Let me know if you need help with the format. You'll probably need to change your blog to a one column format and size your photo widths to either 800 or 900. Best of luck!

Sweepy said...

Woof, yey for the doggy treats!
We don't pay to change to a larger format in my country although when you do it your blog posts will be limited to 100, methinks woofy.

Oh come and have cake with me and bring the dogs ;-)

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

While I don't have any advice to offer, Charlotte, I did find out useful info from reading the comments posted. We are also thinking of changing our blog and may just go with an entirely new one, sort of like a new chapter.

Suzan said...

Hey Charlotte!
We have this same magnolia in our front yard and I'm so afraid this cold is going to AGAIN kill the blooms. We call it the star magnolia?? Our neighbor across the street calls it that--- guess I should google it. Not sure what is going on with google blogger. Some days I'm not even able to post a photo then others- there isn't a problem. I keep thinking of moving over to wordpress - but it hasn't gotten any farther than that. Take care!!

Red Rose Alley said...

Your blog is so sweet as it is right now, I'm not sure how it could get better. I do know what you mean about larger pictures. When we first started, we had smaller ones, then we changed the format and made them a bit bigger. I know many blog friends that still have smaller pictures and their blogs are so sweet.

Have a wonderful week,
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

Anonymous said...

I love magnolias of all types. These are gorgeous! I'd love to see your photos larger - hope you figure out how!

Lisa Gordon said...

Charlotte, this is gorgeous!!
I cannot wait to begin to see the here.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shot (and I clicked on it to see it larger on a black background). You don't have to spend money, like the others above mentioned. You can choose the "XLarge" option when you insert your image which will be quite a bit larger than the "medium" or "large" default size you are probably using. The X-Large size will probably even fit into the format you are currently using. If you need to find out where to click that option, just holler and I'll help you. It's quite simple.