Friday, May 13, 2011

Focus 52 "Feminine"


With this week's theme, "feminine" I had a little prompting from my friend, Betty John, AKA "Hootnonny".
She always has good ideas so she was sweet to help me. Decision making is hard for me. :o)
Can't wait to see what others have posted for this challenge.
Blessings to all who comment!



Kia said...

Thanks for stopping by :)

hootnonny said...

Pretty tones in this girly pic! Bet Katie loved playing dress up at your dressing table!

heavenlyginger said...

Very nice!

Lisa said...

My husband loves when I wear perfume! I think you've captured feminine beautifully!

Gail Dixon said...

Great photo! Betty John has wonderful ideas. I love all the pink! So feminine!

taryn s ryan photography said...

I love this photo! I took some pictures of my daughter while she was playing with my makeup in our bathroom and they came out sweet... even though lighting was not the greatest. Here is the link:

This post reminded me of those instantly for some reason!

Love your photos - even when they do come from your phone : )) ! what kind of phone do you have?
