Hi Everyone! I hope your week is going well!
I don't know about you, but I have caught the "white" bug and am obsessed with finding all things white. Do you know how hard it is to find something when you look for it? LOL Near to impossible. But I did get lucky yesterday and bought two white items; one a white mandevilla that was half price and a pitcher that I picked up for under $12.
Above is a picture of my finds. I ran a Flora Bella Luxe II action called "sweetness" and added one of my own textures. Hope you like. Only got to do one white photo this week.
Many blessings to you all! check out the other white photos here:

thanks for your kind words--i'm a new follower and i'll be back to savor more lovely!
I forgot about White Wednesday! Maybe I can remember next week.
Love the flower and the "new" pitcher. Wonderful in white. :)
I agree! We only got to know how difficult it is when we start to look for it. And your find is pretty. Thanks for the visit!
Your new purchases and your texture made a lovely photo. You are so right about difficulty finding what you're looking for.
Hope you're having a blessed day.
Lovely photo - I just love white too
great photo Charlotte! Love the white!
Lovely purchase and great job on the textures! Looks like the vase has been placed in front of an old stone wall. Love it!
I'm enjoying your blog very much. I am your newest follower!! Thank you for visiting my blog.
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