Saturday, May 21, 2011

Focus 52 - A Photoshoot in the Mountains of Georgia

Since I had the privilege of photographing my friend's new grandson yesterday, I am posting a picture of my friend, Sally. That is Sally on the left, her other grandson, W, and his other grandmother. BTW, grandmothers don't look much like grandmothers anymore. Sally is an executive for a big real estate company and Barbara runs a horse farm.
Anyway, this was at the end of the shoot. The infant boy decided that he had had enough for the day and went to sleep in his mama's arms. So we trekked over to the horse farm to get some shots of W. The place was a paradise for animals, children and well, adults as well. Guineas ran wild over the property and dogs were in abundance. Five to be exact, of different breeds. And of course about 22 horses...gorgeous ones.

Two of  Julie's horses, processed to look vintage
I think that this is a Blue Tick Healer
Taking a break....

One of the outbuildings on the farm
I have a lot of editing to do of the baby pictures. Maybe I will share some later this week.
Thanks for looking! Have a good week.

just charlotte  ♥


hootnonny said...

Wow, I need to improve my granny status! Lovely images...looking forward to the rest!
Hope you're enjoying your weekend!

Charlotte Wilson said...

Thanks Betty John! What are you doing home on this beautiful day! :o)

heavenlyginger said...

Looks great!!!

Nancy said...

I need to get some grandbabies first -- :)

Gail Dixon said...

I was hoping to have some grandchildren before I started looking like a grandma, but my children are being very uncooperative. :) You are right, grandmothers are looking so youthful these days. These are wonderful photos. I hope you will be able to post some of the baby. Bet that was a fun shoot!

Charlotte Wilson said...

Ha, I would like some grandchildren too, but I want my girls to be married first please.

Shooting babies is hard work, Gail. LOL

Rosemary Aubut said...

Great shots! Love your new look!

janjan0000 said...

What a great place! and wooohoooo to grandbabies!
I can't wait.
Well ... I can, but you know ;)