Wednesday, July 13, 2011

White Wednesday

When White Wednesday comes, I look forward to seeing every one's posts, since I am a new fan of all things white.

However, since I am new to this neighborhood blog party, I have run smack out of new white items to show you. So this is a re-run of a little white pitcher that I have shown before, but with the addition of some Queen Anne's Lace that was gathered hastily on the side of the road. 

Remember that trick of coloring the water in the vase so that a white flower would suck up the same color? I added red food coloring to the water. It took about 12 hours and this is how it turned out. I wanted it for "Pink" on Texture Tuesday but it was too late.

Actually, it was my daughter, Katie, who was doing errands with me, who graciously hopped out of the car, admonishing me to please put my flashers on. With a pair of scissors, she lopped off three stems. And even though one of them had about a two inch stem, I didn't complain. :o) Another gardening lesson for Katie; now she knows what Queen Anne's Lace is.

 Does the blue print make you feel cooler? I thought it would. Hugs to you all! Remember to drink lots of fluids in this heat.   



Lisa Gordon said...

Wow!! Both of these are stunning! I love photographing almost anything white. I know it is supposed to be "complete lack of color," but to me it is a most beautiful color.

Such beautiful compositions, and the blue one definitely does have a nice cool feel to it! :-)

hootnonny said...

Agree with Lisa that these are stunning. And the blue one looks icy!

Love the return to childhood and dying the flowers with food color via the stems!

Hope you'll feel better tomorrow.


TexWisGirl said...

these are beautiful! really lovely!

Amanda said...

Gorgeous photos! I had forgotten about the food coloring trick! I'll have to play with it this little guys will get a big kick out of it, I'm sure! I've enjoyed my visit here! Happy White Wednesday!
Best Wishes and Blessings,

Unknown said...

I love the the second last piece of art:) Very brave to use so cool colors it is like ice. Great work.
Have a nice weekend

Dreaming Hollow Photography said...

I love your texture is lovely and something I want to work on. I use textures often on my portraits but would love to try my hand at florals. Thanks for your kind comments on my photos! Have a wonderful weekend!


Rosemary Aubut said...

Lovely shots Charlotte! The texture work is stunning!